Why Integrate the Arts in Learning?
It’s March and the Art Docents are in full swing!
This month we have 3 main programs we organize for both the elementary schools and the middle school here in the Los Gatos Union School District.
Art Presentations and Workshops
Why is this so important?
Why integrate the Arts into our student’s curriculum?
A friend of mine just shared an article with me in the New York Times regarding just this subject entitled,
“Using Arts Education to Help Other Lessons Stick” by Perri Klass, M.D.
There were several quotes that I would like to highlight below that I found pertinent to our non-profit organization and our 3 programs we work so hard to provide.
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“Arts integration should not replace arts education,” Dr. Hardiman said.
She suggested a “three-legged stool,” with
one leg being arts education, including dedicated classes in visual and performing arts,
and the second arts and cultural offerings, such as artists coming into the school or visits to museums.
The third leg would be the integration of the arts into the teaching of other subjects.”
~ 2019 article in the journal Trends in Neuroscience and Education, by Dr. Hardiman
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“Arts education in schools has introduced many children to great painters and great music,
and helped them through their first dance steps or tentative musical endeavors.
It can serve as a bright spot in the schoolchild’s day or week,
a class that brings in beauty, color and joy, and which is not about testing.”
~ “Using Arts Education to Help Other Lessons Stick” by Perri Klass, M.D.
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“Arts education can provide those structured opportunities that foster creativity.”
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March into the Arts with the Art Docent’s of Los Gatos!