November Art Challenge!
Our First Grade lesson for November includes this famous painting, “Freedom from Want”, by Norman Rockwell. In our lesson we talk about Genre Paintings, Contrast and Emphasis.
- Contrast: art experts refer to the arrangement of opposite elements (light vs. dark colors, rough vs. smooth textures, large vs. small shapes, etc.) in a piece so as to create visual interest, excitement and drama.
- Emphasis: an area or object within the artwork that draws attention and becomes a focal point.
- Genre: Art depicting scenes of everyday life.
“Freedom from Want”
Artist: Norman Rockwell
(Saturday Evening Post Cover, 1943)
(oil on canvas, 46 x 36 in.)
Freedom from Want is considered one of Rockwell’s finest works. Of the four paintings in the Four Freedoms,
it is the one most often seen in art books with critical review and commentary.
Although all were intended to promote patriotism in a time of war,
Freedom from Want became a symbol of “family togetherness, peace, and plenty.”
As I think of the Art Docents and also how this Fall has been a hard one with so many natural disasters as well as extremely disturbing violence happening around the world….I started to think about November and taking the time to be thankful for all the good in our lives.
- Contrast: Looking at the extremes of what has been happening in our world and comparing it to the blessings we have in our lives.
- Emphasis: I want to emphasize the kind deeds that so many people have done in response to tragedies.
- Genre: What art can you find in your everyday life that depicts something you can be thankful for – lets emphasize the positive you experience.